5 Easy Ways To Keep Cheap Jewelry From Turning Your Skin Green

5 Easy Ways To Keep Cheap Jewelry From Turning Your Skin Green

One of the downsides to cheap jewelry is that it can sometimes turn your skin green. This is because of the metals used in the jewelry, which can react with your skin to create a greenish tint. But don’t worry – there are ways to prevent this from happening! Here are five easy ways to keep your cheap jewelry from turning your skin green:

1. Avoid getting the jewelry wet. Water can cause the metals to react with your skin and turn it green. So if you’re going to be sweating or swimming, take off your jewelry first.

2. Keep it clean. Dirt and oil can also cause the metals in cheap jewelry to react with your skin and turn it green. So make sure to clean your jewelry regularly with a soft cloth or mild soap and water.

3. Don’t wear it all the time. Giving your skin a break from wearing cheap jewelry will help prevent it from turning green. So take it off at night and when you’re not planning on wearing it for a while.

4. Store it properly. Storing cheap jewelry in a moisture-free environment will help prevent it from turning your skin green. So put it in a zip-lock bag or container with a desiccant packet (like the kind you find in shoe boxes).

5. Coat it with clear nail polish. This creates a barrier between the metal and your skin, which can help prevent the metal from reacting with your skin and turning

how to get green jewelry stains off the skin

There are a few things you can do to keep your cheap jewelry from turning your skin green. First, make sure that the jewelry is made of stainless steel, sterling silver, or another non-reactive metal. If the jewelry is made of a reactive metal like copper or brass, it’s more likely to cause your skin to turn green.


You can also try coating the jewelry with clear nail polish or lacquer. This will create a barrier between your skin and the metal and help prevent it from turning your skin green.


If your skin does start to turn green, there are a few things you can do to remove the green stain. You can try using a mild soap and water to wash it off. If that doesn’t work, you can try using a stronger cleaner like bleach or vinegar. Be sure to test a small area of your skin first to make sure you’re not allergic to the cleaner.


If you have gold or platinum jewelry, you’re less likely to have problems with it turning your skin green. These metals are less reactive and therefore won’t cause as much of a reaction with your skin. However, if you do notice that your gold or platinum jewelry is starting to turn your skin green, you can try cleaning it with a mild soap and water solution.

how to keep fake gold jewelry from tarnishing

When it comes to fashion, there are a few things that are worth investing in – but cheap jewelry shouldn’t be one of them. Not only is it more likely to break or bend, but it can also turn your skin green.


So, how do you keep fake gold jewelry from tarnishing and turning your skin green? Here are 5 easy tips:

1. Keep it clean: When fake gold comes into contact with oils from your skin, it can start to tarnish. To prevent this, make sure to clean your jewelry regularly with a soft cloth. If you notice any build-up, you can use mild soap and water to remove it.


2. Avoid chemicals: Fake gold is especially susceptible to damage from chemicals like chlorine or perfume. So, if you’re going to be exposed to them, be sure to take your jewelry off first.


3. Store it properly: When you’re not wearing your fake gold jewelry, be sure to store it in a cool, dry place. An airtight container is ideal, as this will help prevent the jewelry from tarnishing.


4. Don’t wear it in the shower: Fake gold jewelry is not water-resistant, so avoid wearing it in the shower or while swimming.